Month: September 2023

Kale Parmesan Scones

It’s Fall and that means it’s time to bake savory biscuits and pastries. Scones are in a category all their own.

I first had this scone at Manresa Bread, a local bakery that makes some of the most outstanding sourdough breads and other yummy bakes. Unfortunately it is not always available, so I did some digging and found the recipe. I love to eat these with a bowl of soup or just on their own. The savory sharpness of the parm and the addition of kale and leeks makes me feel like I’m eating something healthy. These are light and fluffy, owing to the cake flour and the cream. Make sure not to over mix the dough. The chunks of butter also keep it from becoming “claggy” (British for thick and sticky).

KALE PARMESAN SCONES (from Manresa Bread)

2 Tablespoons olive oil

112 grams (~½ cup) sliced leek (the white part)

1 bunch Lacinato kale, ribs removed, and coarsely chopped

340 grams (2 ½ cups) cake flour

1 Tablespoon baking powder

2 teaspoons sugar

2 teaspoons salt

4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into ½ inch chunks

1 to 1 ½ cups of cream or milk

Grated parmesan


Sauteé the leeks in 1 Tbsp. olive oil until they are soft, taking care not to let the leeks colour.

Remove from heat and put in a bowl to cool

Add the other Tbsp. of olive oil to the skillet and sautée the kale for about 3-4 minutes just until it begins to wilt

Remove from heat and put in a bowl to cool

Combine all the dry ingredients into the bowl of a standing mixer

Add the butter chunks and mix on low speed until the butter resembles pebbles

Add the kale and leeks, then the parmesan. Mix on low speed until just combined.

Add 1 cup of cream and mix on low just until the dough comes together. Add more cream if needed.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and form into a ball.

Then shape into a rectangle about one inch thick.

Cut into 12 triangles.

Place on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20 to 25 minutes until lightly golden on the top and bottom.

WOW! It’s been so @!#&ing long….

That was one serious hiatus–so long that I almost forgot I had a place to share my thoughts. My recipes. My life. So much has happened since my last post in May of 2020 like, um, a global pandemic that consumed all of us–it was like the person who walks into a crowd and sucks all the air out of the room. It took all my attention, my energy, my willpower away from the things I wanted to do. Instead, I buckled down and worked at my job that I ended up leaving after 3 years (that’s another story for another time). There were three trips back to Toronto/Muskoka in there, and another contract that wrapped up a few months ago. So guess what? Now I have time on my hands! (sort of)

And that means I’ve gone back to cooking and baking and ruminating about all the things I should be doing with my life. Like finding a paying gig.

In the meantime, here I am world! Writing about life with two kids at home and one away at university; life in Northern California; life with a senior dog; life as a perimenopausal woman–apparently the topic is all the rage and we can talk about it openly.

Here’s a small sample of all the things I’ve been up to in the kitchen:

Clockwise from top left: fresh figs ready to be turned into jam; date and oat energy bites; zucchini chocolate chip loaf; caprese salad with heirloom tomatoes, burrata and basil; a pair of chocolate babkas; a slice of eggplant parmesan lasagna

So as you can see I’ve found plenty of ways to keep myself busy, but I’m doing it alone. I’d like to make this into something I can with others. I don’t know–does anyone want to cook or bake with me??? It would be so much more fun to do this with someone.

Anyhow, nobody reads this blog so I can write whatever I like here. It may just become a place for the ramblings of a lonely middle-aged woman who seeks comfort in baking and cooking. So be it.

I would love to write more, but I’m tired. It’s late and I have to get some sleep.

If anyone ends up reading this, drop me a note and send me a cooking or baking challenge. I’m always up for a good challenge!